RAM Farms operates a portable seed treater to service the Kansas and surrounding plains states.
If you are going for high yields one of the first in several steps is treating your seed to help in the
development of a robust and deep reaching root system ,and keeping the plant healthy in the early
stages. We run a LPX 2000 automated USC portable treater. This enables us to clean and treat at
the same time or simply treat the wheat.
The LPX 2000 Automated portable seed treater using the lastest in seed treating technology. The
treater uses a Mass Flow meter that is the most accurate on the market for precise application.
We have two stainless steel tanks that allow us to mix different rates.
The treatment incorporates an insecticide and three fungicides to deliver protection that moves
within the plant tissues and protects against damage caused by aphids, wireworms and early
season Hessian fly. It also provides early season protection against Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Fusarium,
root rots, smuts, and early season powdery mildew and leaf rusts. We are also playing around with
micronutrient packs, humic acids, and other forms of secondary seed treatments in our high yield
management systems. I would encourage farmers to take a look at treatments to understand what
they are, and what might best fit their own farm. Treatment costs of $3.75 a bushel but provides an
average yield gain of 3.2 bushels per acre and as much as 10 to 15 bushels per acre in years when
disease and insect pressure is high or in higher yield environments. With the price of wheat at $4.50
per bushel and a very solid proven gain of 3.2 bushels per acre, this figures a net return of $10.65 per acre.
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